These blank snow-globe pens are ready for you to fill with glitter , rhinestones and more.
Why not make a matching pen to go with your snow-globe tumbler a perfect add on for your customers.
They are easy to make and not a great deal of solution needed, Appx 2-3ml.
(This is depending on the amount of Glitter used also)
There is a pack of 5 Random Colours & a pack of 10 Random Colours (Pens only) and a kit available.
In the kit you will get:
5 Pens Random Colours, Glitter, 10g UV Resin, 1 USB charged 6W UV Lamp, 1 Solution Squeeze bottle, 1 Funnel if you prefer to use one (You can cut the spout of the funnel to make the hole bigger if using chunky glitter) & a 50ml bottle of Pure Vegetable Glycerine or Elmer’s magical liquid to get you started.
You will need to supply: Water (preferably Distilled)